Disclaimer: I took most of these from the
Lostpedia article on the subject. That said, I read them all and only took the good ones, saving you valuable time and energy. Here are the ones I found interesting:
- Jack needed to read the letter because Sawyer was reading his letter to "Sawyer" when the plane started going down.
- A young Charlotte Lewis will learn to speak Korean from Jin. She will then grow up and need it. This is relevant to the episode because this is the episode where we discover Jin was around during the time of the Dharma Initiative.
- Seventy-eight, the number of available seats on Flight 316 that Hurley bought is a reference to 78 A.D., the base year (year zero) of the Saka era used by some Hindu calendars. Namaste!
- In The Lie, Ana Lucia said Libby says hello. This is not a throw-away comment. We shall soon see Libby visiting Hurley in jail, convincing him to return to the island.
- Kate gave up Aaron to Sun, who has people watching after both him and Ji-Yeon. She doesn't know where for his own safety, and doesn't want to talk about with Jack because a.) it's painful and b.) she's afraid of compromising his safety if anyone else (especially Jack, whom she most recently saw working in concert with Ben, who was trying to take Aaron in the first place) knows the situation.
- Desmond has to go back most of all, because, since the rules don’t apply to him, he is the only one who can change the past/future and many lives depend on him. As before, he tries to avoid his destiny, but the island will bring him back and he will do the great thing and change the past/future.
- Ben had Desmond followed, realizing that Penny would be with him. Ben left the church with the intent of killing Penny. Charles Widmore, aware that Penny would go to LA with Desmond, thus placing herself in danger due to the likelihood that Ben might then find them and attempt to kill her, has been keeping tabs on Ben (which is also Sun's source for the surveillance photos). When Ben approached Penny's boat, he was apprehended, beaten, and thrown into the wharf by agents of Charles Widmore.
- Ben did say he had to "keep a promise to an old friend" and that he just had to "tie up a loose end." And with Widmore's encounter with Desmond, I bet he was either keeping tabs on Ben or had Desmond followed.
- Yes, Ben killed Penny - that's why he was at the docks. Desmond will team up with Widmore (maybe - out of shared Wrath) and will be drawn back to the island by this and his own guilt for feeling responsible (heeding Faraday's warning in spite of Penny's opinion). Desmond could have chosen to go willingly and maybe without the sacrifice of Penny; because he didn't the island "caused" drastic circumstances to convince him.
- Widmore kidnapped Aaron to blackmail Kate into returning to the island. Widmore threatened her not to tell anyone or she'd never see the kid again. Kate will work as an agent for Widmore on the island.
- Ilanna parallels US Marshal Edward Mars, helping to recreate the conditions of the original crash.
- One character may be the proxy for several other characters. For example, Hurley stands in for himself, Charley (the case), Walt (the comic book), Libby (Santa Rosa), and Sawyer (released from police custody).
And this was my favorite:
- The Oceanic 6 must return to the island is because they should have never left it in the first place. Let's retrace circumstances that allowed them to escape: 1. Penny's boat finds them floating around on the life raft -> 2. The chopper runs out of gas, so they use the life raft -> 3. The chopper is brought to the island by Lapidus -> 4. Lapidus finds the Island as a result from the call with Naomi's phone -> 5. The phone call is only possible because the signal that was jamming the communications was stoped by Charlie. However, we know that Charlie was supposed to be dead by that time, but Desmond kept on saving him. If Charlie was dead, as he was supposed to, the Kahana crew would have never found the island in the first place.
Not bad. Which ones do you find plausible? Which ones are just way off the mark?
It makes complete sense if Libby comes and tells Hurley to go to the island, for two reasons: 1. We already know dead people talk to Hurley. 2. It's Libby - who's probably the only one who would be able to get Hurley to go back, especially after what Sayid told him about doing the opposite of what Ben says. I've been wondering what would compel Hurley to go back.
ReplyDeleteI don't think any of the reasons for Kate acting the way she does are explained by the theories - I still think it's something else, but I can't put my finger on it.
The Penny theory feels freakishly right - although it would suck for poor Desmond. However, it would compel Desmond to go back - although, I don't know that he "needs" to, because I don't consider him one of the Oceanic Six, and I think they're the only ones who "need" to go back.
Everything else pretty much makes sense. Way to be, Lostpedia.
I think Desmond's designation as "special" by Hawking and Faraday mean he has to come back. Though she did tell Des that pushing the button would be "the only great thing (he'll) ever do..."