Friday, February 20, 2009

General theory/parallels

New blog reader lilvolks has some questions/theories about the origins of the Island: are my thoughts...1) E. Hawking talked about the Dharma's focus on the Island while also mentioning that there were other energy hot spots. Is this a reference to the energy power vortexs (like Sedona Az? There is a whole metaphysical mind set about energy vortexs and what they represent.) Which brings me to my next question...My BF and I were talking about this last night...the wheel in the cave...was that there from the beginning of the existence of the island? Because if the island came with the wheel, then wouldn't that imply that the Resistanc of the island is because someone and something put it there? And if it is ancient, who?

Now this would tie into the energy concepts I mentioned above because some of those energy theories suggest that these "power spots" have a connection to the lost city of Atlantis...which brings me back to the wheel, ancient island, energy...other beings??? or do you think that is too much of a leap, and I'm adding to the many other things that need to explain.

Interesting questions. If the Donkey Wheel was added by a people after the Island's creation (whenever that was), then the Island itself may be bucking against a kind of control, yes. Hmm. The Atlantis theory has been discussed, and I think discounted, though the similarities are there.

Lost is knee-deep in many religious doctrines, especially Christianity. So, we have the mysterious Jacob of Lost, but, the Jacob who is in the bible has 12 sons and one daughter. The last born son to Jacob in the bible is Benjamin. There is a story of Joseph, Jacob, and Benjamin in the bible...and there is also the story of Jacobs Ladder. And then, of course, the story of Doubting Thomas which Ben summerizes for Jack. I don't remember the stories but thought I would throw them out there as there may be threads that have connections to Lost.

Excellent finds. I especially like the Jacob's Ladder parallel. I'll have to look for more now.

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