Monday, February 23, 2009

Teasers or revealers?

It feels a little odd to be an author on this blog - mostly because there are other authors. Not that that's bad, it just makes me feel a little more like big brother is looking over my shoulder. *ba dum bum chih!

Sorry, Brandon. I just felt the need to break the ice a little. I feel the need to be the comic relief on this site - and also to not talk so much about theories, but random other aspects of the show.

That being said, I've kind of noticed a trend in Lost teasers for the next week, shown at the end of the newest episode. It used to be like, "What's going to happen? Why does Sayid have that polar bear on a chain? (no, this never happened - it's just an example)" but now that the layout of the show deals with showing us what happens and then spending the whole episode to see how they get there, it's given huge things away in less than 30 seconds.

I mean, the teasers used to mostly tickle the brain, and give fodder to those who wanted to talk about what might happen the next week. Now, it seems everyone knows and it's common knowledge. "Well, we saw that Locke's alive in the next episode, so that mystery is gone. Although we probably knew that was true before they told us, now we pretty much know for sure. Oh- and he kills himself and Ben is there."

If the episode teaches us too much more, I'll be surprised. Has anyone else seen this happen lately with teasers, or is it just me?


  1. We don't watch teasers anymore, mostly for this reason. As much as I want to know what's coming, it's fun to just wait and see.

    And the whole show you the end before the beginning thing is kinda bugging me... very Smallville-esque of them, but they don't do it quite as well--like you said, I think they're giving away too much information right from the start. Blah.

  2. Yes, annoying. As says, "Trailers always spoil."

    In this aspect, I think I'll start following Jessie's example and stop watching previews.

    Another spin on this is that I think last week's episode spoiled itself. Showing Hurley, Kate and Jack back on the Island removes any suspense as to whether their plan will work or not when it is being attempted later on in the episode.

    Annoyed me, but I'm probably just nitpicking. :)
