Thursday, February 26, 2009

An insane look at Episode 7

If I would've been on the ball last week, I would've blogged about the "Christ" characteristics of Mr. John Locke and how I didn't think he was going to stay dead. Unfortunately, I was lazy and now I can only parade around like I have any sort of clue what I'm talking about. So much for credibility. 
If Brandon's responsibility on this blog is to expressly state the facts, and Amy's is to be the comic relief, I suppose that mine is the role of the insane conspiracy theorist. I wear this hat with great pride. 
We know that Hurley talks to dead people. He and Charley hang out, and I'd like to think that is the reason that Hugo brought a guitar on to the plane. For whatever reason, Locke's mortal appearance freaked out our fine, flubby friend. Insane theory #1: Dead people have been telling Hurley to go back for quite some time. Hurley likely ignored them, because they were dead and he was in an asylum. It wasn't until Locke showed up that it got too real for him. It also explains why he was onboard the plane. 
I still would rather jump blindly into the arms of Benjamin Linus than Charles Widmore, because I still think that Locke is a nutbar. Charles Widmore said that Locke didn't have to die, and Ben took the liberty to fulfill the prophecy of Richard Alpert (Regardless of whether or not he knew that was what he was doing). I think that Ben is under the control of the Island, and Chuck wants to control the island. 
Ms. Hawkings is an interesting figure. She is intriguing enough that Ben kills Locke simply for knowing her name. Also, as evidenced in "316" she seems to have Ben's subservience. She is a puppet master, and this bothers Ben.
I'm still dying to know what the hell is with the four-toed statue foot that they found at the end of season two. I'm guessing that J.J. Abrams had those writers dragged behind the studio and shot, because we've left a lot of the original weirdisms behind. Or perhaps the weirdisms are just sitting dormant, like a rare jungle disease, waiting to spring up on us without warning. I mention this because ancient Egypt is popping up. First on the map that Caeser finds in the Hydra and second when Hurley is seen painting the Sphinx. I'm going to go out on my crazy limb and say there's a connection to Egypt coming up. 
This has turned into a frightful ramble. I'm going to stop. Hope that Charley can follow the trend of Locke and mysteriously come back to life. 


  1. Insane theory #1: Dead people have been telling Hurley to go back for quite some time.

    Agreed. Haven't we actually seen Charlie telling him he needs to go back? I'm not convinced that it was Locke's visit that pushed him over the edge, though. I'm still thinking Dead Libby.

    I think that Ben is under the control of the Island, and Chuck wants to control the island.

    I think they both want control of the Island. Otherwise, why would Ben go back? But yeah, Widmore is playing everyone.

    Also, as evidenced in "316" she seems to have Ben's subservience. She is a puppet master, and this bothers Ben.

    Yep, she controls everything even more than Ben the Manipulator does.

    I'm still dying to know what the hell is with the four-toed statue foot that they found at the end of season two.

    Maybe the entire point of the statue was to express just how long the Island has been around. And as far as ancient Egypt goes... it makes as much sense as anything on this show. :) Hurley drawing the Sphinx is sure to be significant.

  2. Here is my two cents worth….In the beginning of episode “316”, Ms. Hawkings explains the purpose of the lamp room and the DI history with it. Now, in her explanation of the island moving around and how it couldn’t be found…she says “that a very clever fellow built the pendulum” (I think it is D. Faraday)...she continues with “and not to find where the island is, but when it is in time”. Again, I think she is talking about Daniel.
    Now, this on this week’s show Whitmore shows up, and while I was watching the thought occurred to me that maybe…and maybe this is a stretch…but maybe, Daniel Faraday is also the son of Whitmore. Why do I think this you may ask? Well, I think Hawking knows a hell of a lot about the DI and I also think that she may even have had a hand in its inception. I also think the same is true about Whitmore. Maybe Hawking and Whitmore had a thing, Hawking gets pregnant, Hawking doesn’t tell Whitmore, Whitmore gets kick off Island, and Hawking leaves for some unknown reason. Daniel is born, raised, and educated inland...this is the extent of my thinking on this as of now…I just wanted to throw it out there and see what you all think.

  3. lilvolks, I've had the same thought about Widmore and Widmore. Same age-ish, at least.

    I don't know that Faraday was born and raised on-island... if he were, he'd be dead like Charlotte by now.

  4. The weird thing about Ben freaking out that Locke knew Eloise's name is that he introduces her to the Oceanic Six, and doesn't freak out that Desmond knows her name and shows up to the church. Maybe Locke couldn't kill himself in order to come back alive?
