Friday, February 13, 2009

LOST conversation

My sister Amy and I had a LOST conversation over Google Chat Thursday afternoon. Here's what happened:

Amy: I read your post
That pretty much sums things up
Except - why was Juliet being so affected by the time jumps?
I thought Farraday said that the time you spend on the island correlates with how well you take the jumps

Brandon: yes
and she's been on the Island longer than the Losties

Amy: But she seems to be more affected -
Or about the same

Brandon: no way
she's been working for Ben for at least a couple years
we don't know exactly how long

Amy: I know - but she seems to be affected more

Brandon: um
because she has spent more time on the island
I'm not sure we're on the same page

Amy: I thought the MORE time you spent on the island the LESS you're affected by the jumps

Brandon: no no
it's the opposite
that's why Charlotte is dead

Amy: Ohhhh

Brandon: and why Miles is so interesting

Amy: Interesting?

Brandon: he was the next one to get a nosebleed after Charlotte
which means he's spent a lot of time on the island at some point. Chang's baby?

Amy: Yeah - he was
I'm pretty sure he is
But when/how did he get off the island if it showed Chang as being under fire and basically planning to die?

Brandon: an excellent question
maybe Faraday got him off?

Amy: Hmmm

Brandon: maybe Chang sent his wife and kid off before the Purge

Amy: Maybe
That would make sense
When did they have the sub?
Dharma Initiative?
How does Charlotte know about the well?

Brandon: yeah, but Charlotte made it sound like getting off was easy with Dharma

Amy: Yeah
She did

Brandon: remember her and her mom packed up and took off no problem

Amy: Right

Brandon: Charlotte spent anywhere from 5 to 20 years on the island
that's a lot of time to learn about it
still a chance she's Ben and Annie's kid

Amy: Yeah - but no one else knew about the cave
That's what I was thinking, too

Brandon: what cave?

Amy: The wheel cave

Brandon: Locke told her they were looking for the Orchid
she'd know where that was, and that there is a well nearby

Amy: Maybe someone might have fallen in the well - but how would they know to turn the wheel and then how would they come back?

Brandon: the well's a fake
it was an early way to get there
camoflauged entrance

Amy: Huh

Brandon: I still think the most important stuff we learn is during Jin's experiences with Rousseau

Amy: I think so, too
But Smokey was acting completely different than usual
Why didn't he make Eko a guard?

Brandon: also: Jin's English is kick-awesome after like two months of informal training.

Amy: Or the pilot?
Ha ha - no freaking kidding

Brandon: make Eko a guard?

Amy: And yet, he starts speaking in Korean
I mean - change Eko and send him back out among the Losties

Brandon: he starts speaking in Korean because the concepts discussed were a bit obscure and too important to miss and because Charlotte was there

Amy: What would be the point of Smokey doing that?
Wight wight
And he knew Charlotte spoke Korean?
Or the audience needed to know?

Brandon: yes he knew she spoke Korean

Amy: How?

Brandon: on the way to the baby station, he notices that she understands him talking to Sun

Amy: Oh yeah

Brandon: and calls her on it

Amy: Wight wight

Brandon: But re: altering, why not change Jack? Or Locke?

Amy: Yeah

Brandon: but
how do we know he hasn't? :)

Amy: Woh...
Dun dun dun
I pretty much love that Eloise is like, "You need everyone to go back to the island" and then only half show up and she's fine

Brandon: yeah exactly

Amy: She made it sound dire
Maybe they can go through time and snatch the others somehow
Brandon: well, the preview for next week shows that Kate is in, somehow

Amy: Yup - Jack pours on the charm and she's gone

Brandon: heck no

Amy: Ha ha

Brandon: he's poison to her
something else has to happen

Amy: But it shows them kissing
Kay - whatev

Brandon: true. Kate's messed up.

Amy: Sooo true
My guess is she gets into more trouble with Aaron and Jack comes to save her and tell her he'll be a dad to Aaron

Brandon: and then she's like "Sweet deal, let's go back to the Island!'
not seeing it. But I guess it could happen.

Amy: Yeah - okay, no
But I
'm pretty sure the only way she'd go back is if Aaron was in mortal danger

Brandon: agreed
but re: Robert and Danielle....

Amy: Okay
I was like, "No wonder Danielle's all messed up!"

Brandon: what the heck is the point of Smokey altering Robert, sending him back to convince Danielle that it's really him, and then shooting her dead?

Amy: Exactly

Brandon: just take her if you want her dead
seems overly complicated

Amy: No kidding
I agree
Unless Smokey's just playing
Or there are the conflicting powers on the island - again

Brandon: yep

Amy: One side wants her dead, the other wants her alive
Smokey doesn't get her because he's controlled by one power -

Brandon: but he's altered Robert to do it, right?

Amy: And something else weird altered Robert

Brandon: possible

Amy: Just because it's so out of character for everything we've seen for Smokey

Brandon: so there's mind-altering equipment at the Temple?
and Smokey merely retrieved the Frenchies to be altered by The Others?

Amy: Hmmm - that's an interesting thought
Except...Juliet turns the fence on to keep Smokey out -
Maybe during the purge - or other types of battles - Smokey changes sides
Or gets pissed with everyone
Or Jacob loses control of everyone

Brandon: it's incentive to keep Recruited Others from exploring the Island? Because Ben certainly can control him

Amy: He can?
Has Ben every come up against Smokey?

Brandon: he releases Smokey on the mercenaries after they kill Alex

Amy: Oh yeah

Brandon: and they leave him alone
I mean Smokey does

Amy: We don't know that for sure...
Do we?
Doesn't he just disappear?

Brandon: he goes down into an ancient cave, and seconds later Smokey's wreaking havoc
he has to control him

Amy: Right
Or someone else in the cave does

Brandon: right after Alex dies? It's waaaay too conveninent that Smokey randomly shows up and starts pwning mercenaries at that money

Amy: Then, why don't they just have Smokey kill those not on the list?
I like money better

Brandon: ha

Amy: Seems like if he can figure out who to kill and who to keep alive, then it would be much easier than the Others snatching the ones on the list
And the kids

Brandon: yeah, Smokey seems to be a bit out of control

Amy: And pregnant women
But seems incredibly in control in Rosseau's time

Brandon: like he's been on the Island longer than anyone, even the Others, and they know his tendencies and can take advantage of them, but they don't control him

Amy: Right
Or Ben made some sort of sacrifice/deal with Smokey to get him to do what he wanted that onc

Brandon: maybe

Amy: Why does Ben fall out of favor with the island?
Could that be why?

Brandon: he used Smokey for his own purposes?

Amy: Right

Brandon: I think it's a general thing... like with Widmore.
just started being selfish and thinking you know better than Alpert/Jacob

Amy: Huh - right
How does Rosseau die?

Brandon: shot taking Alex and Carl to the Temple

Amy: Oh, wight wight

Brandon: tragic, tragic figure

Amy: Yes sir

Brandon: has to kill her crew and her husband

Amy: She looks so happy and pregnant at the beginning

Brandon: gets her baby stolen

Amy: Yeah

Brandon: spends the next 18 years being hunted and entirely alone

Amy: Has to give birth alone

Brandon: yep

Amy: Finally meets her daughter again, and then dies trying to save her

Brandon: well, that's actually good in comparison to the rest of her time on the island

Amy: That's true

Brandon: what mom wouldn't give her life for her kid?
at least she saw her again

Amy: True

Amy: So - were Rosseau and Carl and Alex going to the Temple - like, the cave where Smokey dragged them?

Brandon: must be

Amy: Have we ever seen it before - besides Ben going in there before Smokey kills the mercenaries?

Brandon: where the Others were chilling during the mercenary attack

Amy: Huh

Brandon: not sure Ben actually goes in there

Amy: So Smokey must know enough to not kill others

Brandon: Juliet sure seemed afraid of it
but was it all an act?

Amy: Yeah- that's the weird part
Maybe - or Ben kept it under his hat until the Others really needed to hide out

Brandon: kept what?

Amy: The fact that Smokey wouldn't kill Others and they have some control over him

Brandon: or he can

Amy: True

Brandon: another annoying thing

Amy: Shoot

Brandon: we were introduced to Smokey before anything else Island and we know little to nothing about him

Amy: Nope
Then, all of a sudden, his entire character seems to change with Rousseau

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