Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Alright, so the other writers here have pretty much covered all of my theories as to what may come in the season finale. They just somehow found time to write it out before I did. Now the only thing I really have to input is this puzzle from last month's issue of WIRED Magazine. In case you're not a subscriber(like you should be), J.J. Abrams Co-edited this issue, and it was an amazing issue. About half-way through the issue, we find this little puzzle(Click for full-size):

If you take the first page of numbers, transfer them directly to their alphabetical counterparts(a=1, d=4, z=26, etc.), you get:


Plug that into a Vigenere Cipher, using the keyword WIREDMAGAZINE, and you get this:


I came up with the keyword WIREDMAGAZINE because it has that at the bottom of the page after the page number. That's not like that anywhere else in the magazine. Now though, I'm stumped... The numbers on the next page obviously go over 26, the last letter in the English alphabet. I have yet to try wrapping and continuously counting them(27=a, 30=d, 52=z, etc.), I just haven't had a ton of time to mess around with this thing(School, grumble).

Why do I want to figure this out so bad? It obviously has a connection to LOST with the Lotto ticket on top. J.J. Abrams Co-edited this issue, and has a great article in it, which is also a puzzle in itself. Also, if you recall a few episodes back there was a WIRED magazine present. From August 2003, which has an article in it about the cure for cancer on page 108, which is as we know the total of the 'numbers'. This may not give anything as to what is to come tonight, or in the future, but so much is linking the two together that it would be awesome to figure it all out anyways. Also, at 'The End' of this issue, there is a piece of artwork, check it:

Remember, this show is a lot about Science vs. Faith. I wish I could have broken this before the finale tonight! Haha! I may be trying to see something here that isn't, but knowing J.J., WIRED, and LOST, I really don't think I am.

And that's my two cents I guess. I'm missing the finale right now, which is why this article has no real structure and is kinda' mumbo jumbo'd. So I'm going to wrap this up by asking you all one more time, to see if you can solve this puzzle. After the finale tonight of course. I think if we do crack it, we'll no doubt be rewarded in a fairly big way.

1 comment:

  1. "I think if we do crack it, we'll no doubt be rewarded in a fairly big way." Ooooorrr...J.J. Abrams just likes puzzles. I had a Lost group and you know the sound jumble you hear when they're brainwashing Carl? Apparently someone figured out that if you slow it down and play it backward it says, "Only fools are enslaved by time and space." Is that the kind of reward you're looking for? If so, keep on keepin' on.
