Monday, May 18, 2009

LOST on Egyptian Culture

Alright, so I've had the hunch for the longest time, that Egyptian culture plays a big part in the storyline of LOST. In this interview from Alison Haislip of Attack of the Show she busts out the 'ole 'Word Association' trick. Of course, Damon Lindelof and Carton Cuse, are not ones to be easily fooled. Plus the fact that she flat out told them I'm wanting you to spill some beans didn't help. Anyways, we find something interesting about Egypt in that section of the video. Check it out.

Now, I do realize this was all done a few hours before the show, and that 'tapestry' may have just been about the tapestry that Jacob created. I like to think though, that with the hesitation and 'hmmm's, that Egypt has more to do with what is upcoming with LOST. It took them a second to make a decision on what word to associate exactly with Egypt in other words. Once again, I need to make time to do some research on this Egyptian stuff and how it can be associated with the LOST story.

Another thing were the comments on fathers. The man we saw in the beginning of the finale talking to Jacob, was he perhaps his son or vice versa? We know that Jack and his father have problems, Ben and his, John has problems with his as well, Hurley is another one, Charlie had problems trying to be the father of Claire's son, Ben with his daughter, and those are just some of the main ones. This I think is another large clue as to what may be coming.

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