As part of my ongoing quest to watch a few old episodes of Lost before Season 6 premieres (less than a month now!), I watched "Pilot - Part 2" today. Here are my thoughts:
-Is Charlie dead were it not for his heroin addiction? He was seated behind Jack on the plane, and Jack was pretty close to where the tail section fell off. Charlie ends up near the cockpit because he needed a fix and was running from the flight attendants. Only 22 people from the tail section survived.
-I am so glad Shannon and Boone are dead. Shannon being extremely flighty and just all-around unstable and Boone freaking out about her... not good times.
-Awww Aaron is in-utero. What's his deal? Come on, Season 6.
-Sun pretending to not understand Michael is looking for Walt.
-Walt is one brave kid, wandering off into the jungle to find his dog, just one day after they heard Smokey out there.
-He finds handcuffs.... are they Kate's? They're closed, and I don't think Kate took the time to lock hers after getting them off.
-Ha! Sawyer and Sayid fighting right off the bat.
-Sawyer says he saw Sayid on the plane with his hands in his lap and a blanket over them, accuses him of being a terrorist. I'm not sure the relationship ever really improves from there.
-And Kate manages to break it up, after Jack tries and fails. Of course, she does so because the topic of conversation is moving towards the handcuffs. She changes the subject to the transceiver. Ha.
-Sawyer's first nickname: "Lardo" to Hurley.
-Sawyer's come a loooong way. He's dead angry these first two episodes. While he's not exactly super social that first season, he at least gets to the point where he doesn't yell as much. And now he's positively domesticated. Good work, Juliet. Scoring points for women everywhere.
-So frustrating for Sun that she has to use Korean to communicate when she speaks and understands English perfectly.
-Kate seems awful invested in getting off the island. After Sayid tells her they need a high place to test the cockpit transceiver, she says, "How high?" all eager-like.
-Oh right Kate wants off because of Smokey. Still, I think she should be a bit more conflicted.
-Michael isn't so great at this dad stuff. "Get you another dog"? Really? Your kid is afraid his dog is dead and you act like he can just be replaced? In fairness, Walt was living with his mom the last decade or so.
-Another Shannon and Boone scene. Did I mention I'm glad they're dead? Oh but look, Shannon is showing humanity. She reminds Boone about the guy who kept them from sitting in first class... "He saved our lives" She feels bad for being mean to him. Still don't like her.
-Sawyer's letter!
-Little team building exercise in climbing the mountain. Everyone helping each other up over ledges and stuff.
-Locke playing backgammon. I didn't remember the game had been introduced so soon.
-Locke is good with kids because he treats them like adults. There is no difference between his tone with Walt than with Jack or Sayid or Kate.
-Jin runs around offering prepared fish to everyone. For such an ornery dude, he's pretty nice sometimes.
-Oh! And it's magic fish that wakes up Aaron!
-Polar bear! First and last one we see on the show. Well, except for the skeleton in Tunisia. How long has that guy run around the island?
The Purge was in '92?
-Good man, Hurley. Assisting in surgery. And then fainted.
-"Saw a guy lying there with an ankle holster, so I took the gun. Thought it would come in handy. And guess what? I just shot a bear!" Gotta love Sawyer.
-Bam! Kate disarms Sawyer which helps Sawyer see what she is.
-Sawyer is fairly happy with the result of the conflict. The revelation that Kate has a bad girl side cheered him up a lot.
-As the plane is crashing, Kate puts an oxygen mask on U.S. Marshall guy, thereby establishing that she's a good person.
-And Rousseau's transmission. Poor Rousseau.
-"The others are dead... it killed them. It killed them all." How true is this? Were the crew members she shot and killed really her husband and coworkers? Fuzzy.
This episode seems dedicated to showing that everyone has some redeeming qualities. Jin is a jerk, but shares his food with the others. Kate is a fugitive, but doesn't want her captor to die. Sawyer is mean to everyone, but stands his ground as something big (could have been Smokey) charges him. Sayid was in the Iraqi Republican Guard, but gets the transceiver working and helps others.
Feel free to start posting again, everyone. Theories about Season 6, insights into last season, whatever.